What Is Ptosis, and How Is It Corrected?

Ptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid edge droops. For many it’s a cosmetic concern as any difference in lid position is something others really notice. 

For others, ptosis obstructs the vision with reading problems late in the day being a common complaint.

Ptosis: Causes and Complications

Ptosis is most commonly age and genetically related.  This is often caused by issues with the levator muscle (the muscle responsible for lifting the eyelid). As the levator muscle stretches or gets weak, the lid can start to hang low. For many, the lashes also start to lose their natural upward curl!

Ptosis also occurs after some types of eye surgery including blepharoplasty. 

In addition to obstructed vision, ptosis can cause cosmetic concerns. When the eyelids droop, patients tend to have a tired or sad appearance. The lashes also droop down. When the eyelids are lifted in ptosis repair, patients have a brighter, more alert, and more youthful appearance.  

Ptosis Repair

Ptosis repair is a surgical procedure to correct ptosis.  During this procedure, the levator muscle is tightened to lift up the eyelid. This gives the face a more rested look and restores the full field of vision. 

The exact method used in ptosis repair depends on the severity of the case. In milder cases, only a slight adjustment to the levator muscle may be required. In more severe cases, the levator muscle may need to be reinforced to give it additional strength. Then, the levator muscle is secured to the eyelid to bring it into a new, lifted position. 

Ptosis repair is typically an outpatient procedure, so you’ll be able to return home on the same day. Patients are giving something to relax. The eye and surrounding area are generally numbed with local anesthesia to keep things very comfortable. 

To learn more about treatment options for ptosis, contact us today.