What Is Contura Fat Relocation?

Contura fat relocation is a method of facial rejuvenation in which your own fat is used to restore lost volume in the face due to aging. This innovative treatment option can help all types of patients achieve a youthful look without the scarring and recovery period of conventional cosmetic surgery.

Understanding Facial Fat and the Aging Process

Facial volume loss and particularly the deflation of our cheeks is one of the most recognizable signs of aging. Most people think it’s just loose skin. But it’s the loss of fat underneath that plays a big role. Restoring that plump youthful fat directly fixes that issue.

A thin layer of fat tissue in the face provides volume and elasticity to the skin early in life. As we age, this layer of fat gradually diminishes, depriving the skin of its formerly plump appearance. This typically results in wrinkles, sagging skin, bags under the eyes, and other common signs of aging in the face.

To counteract the aging process, Contura restores the lost fat tissue in the face using the patient’s own fat. As a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure, we’re thrilled to offer Contura to patients looking for a solution for wrinkles, skin laxity, and lost facial volume.

The Contura Fat Relocation Process

In Contura fat relocation, fat tissue is transferred from one area of the body to another to restore plumpness in the skin. At Florida Face & Body, Dr. Mahootchi offers Contura as a treatment for signs of aging in the face (namely the mid-face, brows, and upper and lower lids).

The first step in the Contura treatment process is fat collection. A small amount of fat will be extracted from an area of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. Next, the fat is cleaned and processed with an advanced filtration system, creating a highly purified graft that has different levels of firmness based on what the patient needs. The customized fat can be optimized for lips, cheeks, or lids and more. The purified fat is then injected into the facial areas for treatment.

Contura fat relocation provides natural-looking results and a fast recovery time. It’s a safe, convenient procedure for patients wanting to regain a youthful appearance of the face.

Contact Florida Face & Body today for more information about Contura fat relocation.