Advantages of Vaser Liposuction

If you’re looking for a way to reduce stubborn fat and achieve a more sculpted appearance, consider VASERlipo. This innovative alternative to traditional liposuction creates a slimmer, more defined look with less pain and recovery time. 

The key advantages of VASERlipo are:

Ultrasound Technology for Less Tissue Damage

During VASERlipo, ultrasound probes are inserted into the skin through a small incision. The ultrasound technology breaks up the fatty tissue before it’s vacuumed away through a cannula. This process leads to less damage to the surrounding tissues than conventional liposuction. 

Less Pain and Recovery Time

With the inclusion of ultrasound technology, VASERlipo is also more comfortable than traditional liposuction and has a shorter recovery time. Most patients experience only mild discomfort and minor bruising after the treatment. Additionally, patients usually require just four to seven days to largely heal from this outpatient procedure. 

Immediate Results

You’ll notice an immediate improvement in the treatment area after VASERlipo, and the results will continue to improve over time as the tissue heals. 

Tackle Stubborn Fat

In many people, pockets of stubborn fat don’t respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise. VASERlipo is a safe, convenient, and effective way to remove this stubborn fat to achieve a slimmer, more defined look. 

Treat Multiple Areas Simultaneously

With VASERlipo, we can treat multiple areas of the body at once, allowing you to undergo just one procedure and recovery process. The areas of the body that can be treated with VASERlipo include:

  • Jowls
  • Chin and neck
  • Abs
  • Hips or love handles
  • Breasts 
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Ankles 

High-Definition Sculpting

By using ultrasound technology, VASERlipo provides precise, high-definition tissue sculpting. After the procedure, many patients can see the sculpted muscle that was concealed behind stubborn fat tissue. 

To learn if you’re a candidate for VASERlipo, schedule an appointment at Florida Face and Body today!