Ways to Enhance Your Body Before Summer in Tampa

Summer weather will be here before you know it, especially here in Tampa. Before your summer vacation, pool parties, and backyard barbeques, why not overcome lingering body insecurities?

There’s no better feeling than having complete confidence in your body in your favorite swimsuit. Thankfully, with today’s cutting-edge medical technology, you don’t have to undergo surgery to tackle aesthetic concerns. 

Read on to learn more about our leading solutions to enhance your body before summer in Tampa!

VaserLipo for High-Definition Sculpting

VaserLipo provides high-definition body sculpting with ultrasound technology. Compared to traditional liposuction, VaserLipo provides greater fat reduction in a less invasive procedure, allowing for a shorter recovery. The ultrasound technology breaks up the fatty tissue, which is then removed through a cannula. 

Renuvion J-Plasma

Renuvion J-Plasma in Tampa can be performed with VaserLipo to dramatically tighten the skin. The small device is positioned beneath the soft tissue, where it targets loose skin with helium plasma and radiofrequency energy. 

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a wonderful way to improve your appearance before summer in Tampa. If you’re struggling with volume loss in the face, hands, breasts, or buttocks, fat transfer can effectively plump the skin in a quick, minimally invasive procedure. The fat is taken from another area of the body, like the thighs, and injected into the treatment area. 

truSculpt ID and truSculpt Flex

truSculpt ID and truSculpt Flex can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted without surgery. truSculpt ID delivers radiofrequency energy that penetrates the skin and treats the entire fat layer, shrinking and killing the fat cells. truSculpt Flex uses multi-directional stimulation to target specific muscle groups and noticeably sculpt the muscle tissue. 

Whether you want to tighten loose skin, target stubborn fat, plump thinning skin, or sculpt your muscles, the team at Florida Face and Body is here to help! Schedule your appointment in Tampa today to achieve your cosmetic goals in time for summer.