Optimizing Your Weight Loss With Body Sculpting

After reaching your goal weight, you deserve to feel completely confident in your new physique. Unfortunately, for many people in Tampa, stubborn pockets of fat linger despite weight loss, making them feel unhappy with certain areas of the body. 

If you’re seeking a way to nix stubborn fat and optimize your weight loss, consider body sculpting in Tampa Bay. With a range of effective, non-surgical methods, Dr. Mahootchi can help you achieve the body of your dreams. 

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting refers to procedures that reshape and tighten various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, back, and arms. It’s often used to eliminate lingering fat pockets after significant weight loss that don’t respond to diet and exercise. 

The Tampa body sculpting procedures we implement at Florida Face & Body get rid of stubborn fat for good. By permanently eliminating fat cells in the targeted areas, these treatments ensure the fat can’t return, as long as you lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Top Body Sculpting Procedures in Tampa

You have many options for body sculpting in Tampa. Dr. Mahootchi at Florida Face & Body uses the most innovative treatments available, including:


VaserLipo in Tampa Bay harnesses the power of ultrasound technology to enhance the results of conventional liposuction. The ultrasound waves help extricate fat cells from the tissues that keep them in place, leading to a greater fat reduction. Additionally, VaserLipo is less traumatic to the affected tissues than traditional liposuction, allowing for a shorter recovery period. 

Renuvion J-Plasma

Renuvion J-Plasma is a skin tightening procedure that can be added to VaserLipo or liposuction to maximize the results of your body sculpting procedure. It delivers helium plasma and radiofrequency energy beneath the skin, providing a dramatic tightening effect. 

Ready to optimize your weight loss with body sculpting in Tampa? Schedule your appointment today!