Four Reasons to Consider truSculpt® ID for Fat Reduction

If you’ve been tirelessly searching for a way to eliminate stubborn fat, it’s time to consider truSculpt® ID. This non-invasive treatment harnesses the power of radiofrequency energy to eradicate fat cells in targeted pockets. 

Four key reasons to consider truSculpt® ID for fat reduction include:

truSculpt® ID is Non-Invasive and Requires No Downtime. 

truSculpt® ID is entirely non-invasive – it requires no incisions, anesthesia, or injections. In fact, truSculpt® ID only takes 15 minutes to administer per treatment area. This makes it one of the safest, most convenient body sculpting solutions around. Plus, it’s pain-free and requires no downtime, so you can return to your normal activities immediately after your treatment session. 

truSculpt® ID Can Treat Multiple Areas of The Body.

With a unique handpiece, truSculpt® ID can be used to get rid of stubborn fat on a variety of areas of the body. The most common treatment areas are the arms, back, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. 

Your Body Will Remove Targeted Fat Cells in The Weeks Following truSculpt® ID Treatment. 

In the 12 weeks following truSculpt® ID treatment, your body will naturally process and remove the targeted fat cells. This process will leave you with a slimmer, tighter physique. Since the effects of truSculpt® ID gradually improve in the weeks after your treatment session, you’ll be left with natural-looking results. 

truSculpt® ID Is Safe For All Skin Types of Body Shapes.

truSculpt® ID is safe and effective for all skin types and body shapes, making it one of the most versatile treatments of its kind. In fact, truSculpt® ID is the only non-invasive body contouring treatment that’s been FDA-approved for patients with a BMI of 30 and higher. 

At Florida Face & Body, we’re proud to offer truSculpt® ID as an advanced body sculpting method. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!